Pengalaman Investor
Kami mewawancarai beberapa investor mengenai pengalaman mereka berinvestasi di Indonesia secara umum dan berikut beberapa pengalaman mereka
Tim BKPM sangat kooperatif dan membantu Wavin dalam setiap proses investasi kami di Batang sehingga rencana produksi pipa uPVC, PPR serta solusi pengelolahan air dapat terwujud di Indonesia. Terima kasih atas kerja samanya.
Johannes Drees
Country Director Wavin Indonesia

Wavin Indonesia
We encourage the government in improving in the area of intellectual property as it will also be an added value for an investor allowing for sufficient protection to increase confidence and sustainable business continuity in Indonesia.
Sehwan Chon
President Director

AstraZeneca Indonesia
What I’d like to urge and ask from our government is an end-to-end program. We’ve started and we’ve done superbly well from where we were, until today. We’ve cut a lot of bureaucracy. That’s what I’d like to ask from the government: to fight for our products.
Ted Margono
Managing Director

Gunung Sewu Group
The fact that Indonesia has the 4th largest population in the world and its economic growth is remarkable. From a global perspective, it is a country with great potentials. I think it is important to foster the core industries to improve the investment environment further.
Tomonobu Otsu
President Director

PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia
We are a toy manufacturer, which is regarded as a labor-intensive industry. That is why we decided to go to Indonesia; because of the attractive labor cost and plenty of workforces. This is the main reason that we go to Indonesia.
Dominic Tam Jo-tak
Executive Chairman and CEO

Combine Will Intl Holdings Ltd
Indonesia has the right demographic dividend. In short, we have the right climate for investment. In 2020 and 2021, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Nestle Indonesia has embarked on one of our biggest investment projects in Indonesia. We are building our fourth greenfield factory.
Ganesan Ampalavanar
President Director

PT. Nestle Indonesia
We understand that it is a Herculean effort. But we can clearly see the government’s efforts to simplify and synchronize multiple bureaucracies. The implementation of the OSS (Online Single Submission) to be the central platform for companies to submit various business licenses is a great initiative.
Prashant Peres
President & Managing Director

Mondelez Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia, especially the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, is taking great efforts to make Indonesia the most developed and the most investor-friendly destination in the world. Today, the country is an ideal investment destination—highly attractive to the global business community.
Yusuff Ali M.A
Chairman & Managing Director

Lulu Group International